Name of Project: K9 Companions’ Logo & Newsletter
Project Case Study | March 2021
For this project, I was tasked with creating a visually pleasing and informative newsletter, along with coming up with a logo and overall project theme. Additionally, I had to find and discover who my ideal targeted audience is and how to best appeal to them. After completing the required research on the service animal industry, I was able to narrow down and decide on the bet article to include in the publication and the corresponding images with proper captions and headings. The other task I had to overcome with choosing a readable and legible font for printing. The font choice was important because the newsletter must be easy to read and follow along with by a large variety of age groups. Not only does this case study showcase the fundamentals of print and digital publishing, it also highlights some of my visual design skills as well as the ability to take an idea from concept to completion for a company in need.
Storyboard Ideas & Sketches

Each project idea starts out with a thought and is then briefly sketched out to help decide on the exact placement of the images and body copy. I started with two different sketches and then narrowed down to the chosen idea. Throughout the design process,I wanted to make sure the audience had no limitations as to what the newsletter would be able to offer to new and returning readers. Lastly, I knew I wanted to add an emotional and personal touch to the newsletter and found that the addition of a recipe on the last page helps add to the affordance of having a safe and loving home cooked treat for you and your new service companion.

One of the solutions I found that worked best with the service animal industry and overall “relationship” between a caretaker and their service animal was to use K9 Companions as the name of the newsletter company because it related to my subject matter which was service animals and their handers, trainers, etc. The targeted age group would be anyone between the ages of 16 and up. Service animals are great ways to help people in need help overcome many challenges whether they are physically, mentally, and/or spiritually. There are many types of service animals that are being adopted and used worldwide. This newsletter will help aid them in the right information needed for caring, training, and living with their new furry friend! The natural green and tan color palette adds to the affordance of what having a service animal entitles, along with drawing the readers in by having a natural and comfortable feeling. This feeling of familiarity will help improve the user experience and promote future subscribers to the newsletter.