Client Name: Bronzed Sunless Tanning
Industry: Beauty- Tanning Salon
Location: Bristol County, Mass.
Size: Woman-Owned, Small Business Start-Up
Company Bio
Bronzed Sunless Tanning knows the key to applying a natural looking spray tan that is customized to match your specific skin type and tone is proper education. Before opening her at-home tanning studio, Alyson spent years constantly educating herself on how to mix solutions properly, learning several types of spray patterns and techniques, and what poses will be the easiest for clients.
The head spray tan artist, Alyson, is a 3X Certified Spray Tan Artist that learned from top companies such as Norvell, Aviva, and Perfect Glow. She also has additional certifications for colorology, advance color theory, Barbicide and COVID-19 certified.
Bronzed Sunless Tanning is a new local woman owned sunless tanning small business in Bristol County, Massachusetts.
Bronzed Sunless Tanning offer customized sunless airbrush tanning sessions, along with high quality spray tanning aftercare and maintenance products to extend the life of your tan. Additionally, they also have mobile appointments available too. Some of the types of spray tanning services that are offered full body spray tans, half body, spray tan parties, wedding tanning parties & more!

For this project, Bronzed Sunless Tanning was looking to have a printed product catalog that contained their top 10 retail products for the month. Some of the main tasks to be accomplished are taking high-quality photos of the items, removing the backgrounds, designing, and producing the entire catalog from concept to production. In addition to the photos and previously mentioned tasks, all the content must be written. This consists of writing the body text, captions, headings, etc.
The first part of the project involves using a light-box & a 3-point lighting setup to provide enough lighting to add to the object’s dimension. After using my photography skill to take the images, I had to use photoshop to mask the backgrounds from the products and make them transparent elements for me to use in the product catalog.
The second part of the project will be to create a product catalog using the 10 products I photographed. One of the hardest parts for me was finding a suitable color palette that would match all the products and the theme I wanted to achieve. I wanted to give the immediate affordance that the catalog has to do with a tanning company &the tanning essentials that are available purchase.
The Challenge
Bronzed Sunless Tanning is looking for a solution to help increase sales of the top 10 retail products in the store. The client is looking for a full color product catalog that is 3 pages total. Front cover and two (2) interior facing pages. The front cover should give the reader an immediate affordance that this is the catalog for their sunless tanning needs. This catalog is a mail-order catalog so it will be delivered via mail to future and existing customers.
The secondary objective is to make sure that the photos are taken of high-quality images, removing the backgrounds, and content creation. The client would like for the catalog to have a summer feel for it. Also, the client does not want a lot of dark colors used.

The Approach:
After researching what the current style is for modern product catalogs, I was able to determine the type of color palette I planned to use. I knew the client wanted a summer-beach vibe to help increase the affordance of the catalog relating to tanning. I chose to use a collection of soft natural yellows and browns. The soft shade of yellow- almost sand like was the perfect color to use to give proper contrast to the retail products.
The first major steps of this project were creative, yet repetitive. It consisted of using a light-box to create high-quality photos to use throughout the catalog. Upon completion of the photography part of the project, I had to use my editing and masking skills in combination with using Photoshop to remove the backgrounds and mask out the shapes of the products.
When I think of any form of tanning, whether spray tanning or laying out under the sun at the beach. I immediately think of fresh flowers, warm weather, and the soothing feel of the sun on my body. I choose to use the large flower shape to highlight the feature items and add a level of hierarchy to the catalog. Lastly, I included some important headlines on the cover along with the website address for customers to be able to buy directly from their cell phone!
The Solution
I wanted to take advantage of the small number of products that I had available to use throughout the catalog, this helped me keep the catalog simple. After all, less is more. Brand personality was part of my strategy too because I wanted the viewers of the catalog to understand what the brand, Bronzed Sunless Tanning, was offering and bringing to the table. To solve this problem, I decided on a yellow-golden color palette.
The use of large flower patterns throughout the catalog helped to improve the affordance and feel of summertime and happiness. I decided to use a handwritten script font paired with a san serif to attract attention to the title of the page. This also shows a level of hierarchy to the design. The photos all had to be taken using a light-box along with being masked and edit it 2 remove the background and create a more realistic looking photograph.
By strategically placing the product items in a specific order throughout the pages it will show the reader what the top ten items are to creating a perfect spray tan. For the cover, I chose to use a photo of a woman in a bikini laying on the beach because that gives the immediate affordance of tanning and getting that golden glow that men and women around the world aim to achieve.